Andrea Shoup Photography » Natural light photography

Wardrobe Ideas

Finding the ‘perfect’ outfit always seems to be a stressful dilemma for folks! Keep in mind there isn’t a “perfect” look. But here are a few guidelines to help guide your selection and make things a tad less stressful.

–  Chose timeless pieces

– If there are multiple people, find coordinating pieces, rather than matching pieces (note: you don’t want everyone in the same color!

– Find fun accessory pieces. Chunky wool hats. Simplistic headbands. Scarves. Jewelry.G

– Layer your outfit. Guys, consider wearing a polo with a vest or a sweater. Bringing kids? Pair a cute pair of leggings with a skirt, a tshirt and a cardigan. Layers add dimension to your photos and make them more dynamic.

Last but not least, consider your surroundings and consider the overall “feel” you want your photo to have. Some fantastic shopping sites for you to consider…